Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Is Trump Good For America?

Recently someone sent me an article asking the question, "Is Trump Good For America?" The piece was supposedly authored by Dr. James Dobson, but I could not find any evidence to back up that claim. So perhaps his name was added to simply give the article some gravitas. But I did see it almost word for word on a Facebook page. Whether or not this represented the one who originally authored it, I have no idea. But despite who penned it, what I read was interesting and did offer some ideas on the election before us.

The basic premise had to do with the suitability of Donald Trump to be the next President should he preside over Mrs. Clinton come Election Day. It spoke about the Republican nominee’s shortcomings such as his demeanor, questionable moral character and his overall views, some of which have not exactly matched up well with many voting evangelicals.

But the author pointed out that, as imperfect as this man may well be, there are times when that can be seen as secondary. He stated that God has often used very imperfect leaders to meet the most critical needs of the hour. His great illustration was England’s Winston Churchill during World War 2. This legendary figure was not exactly the gentle, sweet and moral type. He was often crude and overbearing. And yet it was Churchill who was brought into power when the scourge of Hitler arose. He was one of the key figures who became essential in stemming the tide of evil that was threatening to enslave the entire world.

The author of the blog post put it this way about Churchill.
He had exactly what was needed to stop Hitler at the Channel, to rouse a nation to never give up and to partner with America to find final victory in Europe. You probably wouldn't want him as your pastor, maybe not even your father, but he was the right leader for that moment in England's history.” That illustration could be a positive side when considering a vote for Donald Trump, or anyone for that matter, even if they be far from one’s liking for the office.

But this same question about Trump then came up again just a few days ago through a short online video sent to me by a good Christian friend. When I watched the brief piece, the speaker offered the total opposite take than the one used in the Churchill illustration. In a nutshell, he cited how Christians should never accept any lesser of two evils at the ballot box! He was quite strong in declaring that there is no valid reason to select anyone who does not tow the line as far as Biblical principles are concerned – no matter what is at stake. Maybe he had a passage like Ephesians 5:11 in mind? “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”  And with that conviction in mind, he challenged anyone to cast their vote for anyone who does not outwardly adhere to what God stresses in His word - period!

As I read these two contrasting views, I admit finding some merit in both. There is no doubt that without Churchill’s rising to power when he did the Nazis may well have succeeded in Europe and then ultimately subdued the entire world. And had they done so, we might not even be holding a free election next week. Who knows what would have become of America had Hitler prospered? And think of the impact that would have made on Christian evangelism worldwide. I was reminded of the incident in the book of Daniel and a striking statement found in chapter 4. There the prophet declares, “The Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses." God allowed the gifts of an imperfect Churchill to help bring a Hitler down.

God giving kingdoms to those He sometimes does can be extremely hard to understand when looking at the many corrupt and destructive leaders who have caused untold suffering and destruction down through the centuries. But the fact remains that He is sovereign. He does not make mistakes! And He sometimes uses people that we may not like or agree with in order to achieve His precise purposes even in a fallen world. Any doubt about this great truth can be seen in a passage like Ephesians 1:11. Paul writes, “In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.”

The choices available on this Election Day may be far from what we might prefer. They certainly are for me this time around. There were some candidates, early on in the process, who lined up with my views and beliefs far more than what is now being offered. But that is now political water under the bridge. At this juncture, we all have to decide what we will do or not do on the 8th. And do remember that we are voting for a party platform and not only an individual.

Whatever that decision may be, it must be made with full conviction. It must be made with a clear conscience. And it must be one bathed in fervent prayer and with the unwavering confidence that, however it all turns out, God is still sovereign on November 8, 2016 and that "He rules in the affairs of men." 

And, if by chance, the outcome of the election this coming week is not to your liking, or even worse, downright frightening in your mind, then take the blessed advice offered by the sovereign God of all peace found in Philippians 4:8-9.

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you."

Bill Breckenridge

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