Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The 2008 Election – A Dire Decision for Dedicated Christians ?

Some in the Christian Right are not happy with politics as usual. Most everyone today, from the candidates themselves to those who enter the booths, know the crucial importance of every voting block as extremely close elections have shown. To lose any significant group is to lose the election. It is that simple. In recent days, some leaders of the so-called “Christian Right” have begun to speak out about what seems to be a departure by their supported party relating to certain crucial moral issues.

Recently a group met in Salt Lake City to discuss the possibility of supporting a third party candidate should the Republican party nominate a candidate that is not fully pro-life and solidly behind traditional family values. This past week, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on The Family was interviewed on national radio by Fox commentator Sean Hannity. The subject was the election. The two men, who usually agree on the issues, were at odds on the subject. From the opening moments Dobson made it clear that he would never support any candidate who was not pro-life and who did not fully support the one man – one woman definition of marriage. He went on to say that a third party candidate was not out of the question should Republicans (or Democrats) not come up with what they deem a proper nominee.

In response Hannity, speaking of candidate Rudy Gulliani, referenced the former Mayor’s abilities pointing specifically to his leadership on 911 and his cleaning up of New York City, a place that was once said to be almost ungovernable. He stated the nation’s number one priority is having a President who understands the war on terror and that failing to do could well mean the literal downfall of the nation itself. Then Hannity also pointed out the obvious. When a third party candidate competes, that will drain votes from one party or the other and can virtually assure victory to the very side they hoped to defeat. In reaction to Hannity’s valid points, Dobson responded stating “I sorry Sean, but if I support any candidate that does not support Godly principles, then I am no longer me.” Dobson continued that his Focus On The Family organization has proclaimed and protected family values for his entire adult life. And for him to now support anyone who opposes or trivializes those values, despite other admirable traits, would mean that he would no longer be able to even define who he is or what he is about.

The upcoming election may well determine the rescue or downfall of America on numerous levels and the question now for committed Christians to ponder is this. Will placing a leader who is strong on national defense, or one who is strong on Biblical values, best ensure the prosperity and survival of the nation? The Old Testament shares many examples of God’s undertaking for Israel against all human odds. In I Sam 17:33 the reaction of Israel’s leaders to a young shepherd boy’s willingness to face mighty Goliath is seen. “And Saul said to David, You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth." While his analysis was accurate, he failed to grasp that this young shepherd boy was not relying at all on his own great skill or strength. The King was looking at all the human factors which all had overwhelming merit on the surface. But he somehow overlooked the fact that David’s plan and confidence stemmed from obedience and trust in his God and not in the seeming hopelessness of the task before him. His unlikely, but highly efficient, battle plan is spelled out in verses 45-46. “Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand.”

Being able to elect those who will determine the laws of the land is one of America’s special blessings and one that has not come without a great price. But in the final analysis, there needs to be a blending and practical application of that amazing process with the reality spoken of by that same brave young shepherd who later in life wrote in Psalm 20:7. “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.” Every presidential election is historic and has great impact on the present and future of the nation. But the upcoming 2008 vote may be, in some ways, more profound than ever before. This time, Christian voters may have to pray about and decide in their hearts who they will support, or not support, based upon factors they have never been forced to face before.

Bill Breckenridge

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