The match with the Tampa Bay Lighting was about as tight as
a series could be despite not going the full seven games. With the exception of
the last game, which saw a final score of 2-0, every game was decided by just
one goal, and neither team ever had more than a one goal lead in the first five
meetings. The scores of every game were also very low. They seemed more like
the results of soccer contests than hockey games even while
featuring some of the greatest offensive players in the league.
The grand prize, the famed Stanley Cup, is the oldest sports
trophy in North America. It originated back in
1892. It is unique for a variety of reasons, one being the sheer difficulty
and effort required to win it. There are other sports titles that require winning multiple series to triumph, but the grueling physical nature of hockey requires a level of physical
survival and endurance that is unequaled in all of sports. A recent
article on this subject revealed this reality through the detailed routines of trainers who deal with players when the season ends. They shared how badly beaten up they typically are when the players conclude
the long hard season. Many even come in underweight due to
the grueling nature of what they do day in and day out.
Hockey also requires a set of skills that are somewhat
unique – mainly skating. A bit of boxing skill can come in handy, too, on
occasion. Having played the sport for many years, I have an idea of what it
takes to develop this rare skill on blades to an NHL level. Most simply can’t
grasp it. I have young son who adores the sport. Like many kids, he dreams of hoisting the Cup someday just as did
I when I was his age. He will often reveal how good he thinks he is at stick
handling and shooting. But then he will always add, “The only little problem is
that I can’t skate.” The only little problem? Obviously, most fans have no idea what an obstacle that is and what skating
on a professional NHL level requires even before all of the other demanding skills come
into play.
But what perhaps makes winning the Stanley Cup most
satisfying is the personal nature of what occurs shortly after the season's final buzzer sounds. A glance
at the 35-pound piece of silver-plated hardware reveals the multiple round
rings or layers that make it up. Each is engraved with the names of the victorious players, coaches and staff. This is fully unique and makes those involved feel like they possess a kind of sporting immortality. All the champions in all the major sports
get a special ring for their victory. But to have one’s name etched on this
122-year old trophy is unparalleled. It must be beyond words to see one’s
name written beside the greatest teams and names to ever play the game. So
hockey’s historic Cup is not only extremely difficult to win, but offers a way
of honoring the victors as no other sport does.
With all of that said, the practice of the names appearing
on Lord Stanley’s Cup, as it is called, is a reminder of something referred to
in the Bible – something far greater and important than any earthly
victory or possession can match.
It is referred to in the New Testament as the "Book of Life". While trying to correct some friction between
two believers in one of the early
churches, the Apostle Paul mentioned it in Philippians 4:2-3, “I implore Euodia and I
implore Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. And I urge you also,
true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with
Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of
This most sacred book is also mentioned repeatedly in Revelation. In chapter 20, John writes, “And the dead were judged according to
their works, by the things which were written in the books. The sea gave up the
dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them.
And they were judged, each one according to his works. Then Death and Hades
were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of
Life was cast into the lake of fire.” (Rev. 20:12-15)
To be found listed in the Lamb’s book of eternal life
requires being spiritually related to the Lamb Himself. And, unlike the Stanley
Cup, which is really only attainable to a select few who excel in the craft, the
attaining of salvation is not something
that can be earned or won through personal efforts, talents or skills. In
reality, it comes exclusively be acknowledging the very opposite of those
Salvation can be achieved only when what is spelled out
in Romans 3:23 is fully understood and accepted.
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Once that
great truth is realized, then step two is in order as seen in Romans: 9-10. “That
if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that
God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one
believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto
salvation.” This reveals what etches every true believer’s name into the Book of
Life forever.
Winning the famed Stanley Cup requires an amazing commitment.
It is won by hard-working athletes who are willing to sacrifice almost anything to be immortalized on the historic hardware. It is an exclusive club
to say the least. But redemption and forgiveness of sin comes through another sacrifice
– a far higher one that involved both the physical and spiritual. It comes via the self-sacrifice of God’s Son,
Jesus Christ. He did all the hard work for us that we could never do on our
own. His death on the cross to
paid the full price for all of the sins ever committed. That is what His dying words from the cross, "It is finished" were all about!
Hockey's historic trophy, in all of its glory and with its
heroes inscribed upon it, is temporary.
It will someday burn up along with every other earthy object (1 Peter
3:10-12). But, in contrast, all who are found written on the pages of God’s book are safe from wrath and will one day reside in His glorious presence forever. That is a true and blessed immortality and one that is beyond any human
ability to comprehend in this life.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that
not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should
boast.” (Ephesians 2:7-89)
Bill Breckenridge
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