Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Syria and The End Times

Syria is in the news and has piqued the interest of the entire world. While it is no real surprise to have the Middle East grabbing such negative attention, it is somewhat unique for it to be this particular nation. A recent poll reveals that almost one in three Americans feel that an escalated conflict with Syria could literally bring global conflict and the end of the world as we know it. Some believe it could even the usher in Armageddon itself. That is a stunning statistic considering all that has happened, and continues to happen, in that troubled part of the world.

In addition to the current gruesome slaughter taking place in the civil war there, Christians have been specifically targeted and are in need of fervent prayer from their brothers and sisters in Christ worldwide.

But with all of that said, very few know much at all about Syria itself and especially its biblical and prophetic significance.  For instance, how many would know that it has been called the literal "Cradle of Christianity"? So in order to fill in the blanks, two programs of "The Word and The World" are taken from a recent message on the subject.We trust this will help broaden your understanding and also heighten your awareness of a current event that may be serving to signal the soon return of Christ for His church. To hear both broadcasts, simply click here.

 Bill Breckenridge