Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Unexpected Miracles Still Happen

For the sake of privacy, I’ll give just her first name. It is Maureen. Until last Thursday night, I had never laid my eyes on her or knew she existed. But God did!

Maureen was a former friend of a lady who has has attended our church for many years. The two had not seen each other for 20 years until ‘accidentally’ bumping into each other at the local library. During their brief time, while no doubt rehashing the old days, our church member decided to take a chance and invite Maureen to a ladies meeting at the church on Tuesday night. It is a monthly event and just ‘happened’ to coincide with their meeting. She said yes and she came.

Then after the Tuesday meeting, Maureen was also invited to the church, this time to a special prophecy series on Thursday evenings with Dave Virkler as the guest speaker at Chapel On The Hill. This too just ‘happened’ to be starting that same week. Again, Maureen said yes, and again showed up – an amazing thing considering she likely knew little about Christianity in general much less the sometimes complex subject of Bible prophecy.

But there’s more. Just before the Thursday night message began, there was a brief announcement made about an opportunity for any who might be interested to work with Samaritan’s Purse, a church supported ministry headed by Franklin Graham. It was to help some of New Jersey’s flood victims and would occur two days later on Saturday. When the meeting ended, guess who approached me for details on the work? You guessed it. Surely this was just informational or curiosity? But lo and behold, on a rather brisk morning at 7:30 a.m., there stood Maureen at the prescribed site where the orientation for the day’s activities would begin. She showed up and would become part of a team made up primarily of our church people and one other outsider.

She came ready to roll up her sleeves and help some total stranger who a week earlier had her property flooded for the 4th time in the last 5 years. So this dear woman had come to three church functions in a period of five days, including one that would require her to perform manual labor. That is not only highly interesting, it is closing in on the miraculous in a day when getting many ‘regular’ church people to consistently attend their own churches on Sunday morning alone can be a difficult task. And for the record, Maureen was there again on Sunday morning too! So make that final tally coming to four church functions over six days! To some, this might be considered as unusual if not down right mind-boggling!

To get to the point of the story, our particular relief team including Maureen helped a widow clean up her property after the flood. We learned she was trying to sell her home on the river and move closer to her grandchildren. So helping to clean up and spruce up her property would help her in some small way with that goal and desire. Also, she was a committed Christian lady with a huge sign in her front window stating, “Jesus is Lord” – the primary reason the Samaritans Purse representative stopped by and asked her if she needed help. I could not help but think of Paul’s words in Galatians 6:10. “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” So our effort there was not only helpful and kind. It was also biblically based.

When the work was completed on the property, a Bible was presented to the stunned homeowner with the signatures of the entire crew. Maureen signed it, too. We then gathered in a circle and held hands. I was asked to close in prayer, which I did. So we did our thing and were done there – or so we thought.

It was at that precise moment when two of Samaritan Purses’ chaplains, who always make contact with the homeowners, said that they had one last comment before we parted for home or another assignment. While we were still gathered in the circle they announced, “We just wanted you all to know that we just led our team member Maureen to Jesus Christ even as the work was proceeding.” I’m not exactly sure of the details or how that came about, but it was a surreal moment! You could hear a collective gasp around the circle accompanied by tears, applause and hugs. The Christian homeowner immediately embraced Maureen and said, “Welcome to my new Christian sister.” It was an experience I will never forget. It was likewise a humbling reminder that God’s Holy Spirit is often working through and behind the scenes in ways that we can’t even imagine.

Later that night, an e-mail arrived from Maureen. It said simply, “I came to help others and, instead, I found Christ.” The words were few but the impact stunning!

It was also a stark reminder that God uses His people to reach precious lost souls when they simply dare to take the opportunities set before them to speak a word of testimony or even invite someone to hear the Gospel message presented and demonstrated. The result can be the total spiritual re-birth and transformation of a heart and life - even in the midst of the most unexpected or unlikely of circumstances.

As Mike, the foreman from Samaritan’s Purse, told me before departing, “This all was no accident. This did not just ‘happen to happen’. It was the hand of God using several of His people from an unlikely start to a glorious finish.”

Mike was right! The one who began the process with her simple invitation, the local church, the work team, the relief organization, the homeowner, and the finally the chaplains, all shared in the blessing. Each, in their own way, were part of the result that can arise when Christians take seriously the command in 1 Peter and chapter three to help prepare the soil for the redemptive work of Jesus Christ! (Romans 5:8-9)

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” (1 Peter 3:15)

Welcome to your new forever family Maureen!

Bill Breckenridge

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