Monday, June 22, 2009

Current Unrest, Ancient Origin

Tehran has exploded as thousands have taken to the streets to object to what they assume was a rigged presidential election in Iran. Although the two top contenders are close in philosophy, the 60% of the populace that is under age 30 has multiple grievances regarding religious and political oppression overall. In modern times, that part of the world has known little stability, and the American government is sometimes justifiably sluggish in backing friends or denouncing foes. An eight-year war between Iraq and Iran formerly put the U.S. on the side of Saddam Hussein only to later oppose and depose him in the Gulf Wars.

It is little wonder that there is continuing commotion in Iraq and Iran.

Iraq is home to Babylon, Ur and Nineveh. The Tigris River (called Hiddekel in Gen. 2:14) and Euphrates River, waters of great prophetic significance, flow through Iraq. These rivers’ termination evidently was in the Garden of Eden where Satan’s deception flourished in Adam and Eve’s fall. Eden’s presumed location at the northern end of the Persian Gulf is adjacent to Iran, the current focus of strife.

Iran is actually the heartland of ancient Persia, the second most mentioned land area in the Bible and the kingdom that displaced Babylon. In Daniel 5, the famed "handwriting on the wall" spelled out Babylonian King Belshazzar’s wretched end. Iran was called Persia until 1935, and its language and culture is more Persian than Arabic. About the time of its name change, Iranian ambassadors to Germany developed a fondness for Hitler. The theme of Hitler’s "Aryan Supremacy" actually found its way into the modern name. Iran is close to Aryan, a language of Indo-Europeans, which the Iranians really are.

Daniel’s four-kingdom prophecies found in Daniel 2 and 7 included that second kingdom of Media-Persia. Daniel 10:13 gives us insight into the territorial demon influence of the area. That is not surprising since Ur, which is Abraham’s birthplace, and the site of the Garden of Eden are nearby. Supernatural collision in that land area is revealed as "the Prince of Persia" contests the angel Gabriel, who is on a mission to share divine truth with a mortal prophet. This passage indicates that strong demon powers hover there, and, if there is no easy analysis of perpetual unrest, it may be the result of confusing supernatural evil activity.

Also consider that there are more Jews living in Iran than any other Middle Eastern country. In his book "Inside the Revolution," Joel Rosenberg says, "…the big untold story is that more Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ than at any other time in human history." Further, quoting a mission leader, he writes, "… I personally believe that if every Iranian who secretly believes in Jesus could come forward right now and declare his or her faith publicly, the number would top one million."

We should be praying for the unrest to bring about a more favorable climate for Christian belief and evangelism. President Obama and his advisors on the Middle East need our fervent intercessory prayers. The area strife and confusion may never be resolved until Christ reigns in the Millenium. Until then, we hope and pray for at least a minimum of unrest so that God’s spiritual purposes may be realized.

Dave Virkler

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