Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Infamous Comedian Dies

He outlived his infamous prediction – at least partly so. He was radical comedian George Carlin, who has died of heart failure at age 71.

He was a star of the counterculture, having begun his career in the 60’s. His humor was often blasphemous and off-color. But Carlin will best be remembered for his act, “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television”. No explanation is necessary. Although network TV has keep most of these vile expressions at bay, the advent of cable has meant that Carlin’s prophecy did not exactly pan out – unfortunately.

Actor Ben Stiller called Carlin "a hugely influential force in stand-up comedy. He had an amazing mind, and his humor was brave, and always challenging us to look at ourselves and question our belief systems, while being incredibly entertaining. He was one of the greats."

It is not uncommon around the Easter season for churches to speak what is known as “The Seven Last Words From The Cross”. In reality, they are 7 short phrases uttered by Jesus Christ as He suffered on the cross and died there for the redemption of the world. The sayings were originally uttered in Aramaic, although just one is preserved in the original language in most modern English translations. The expressions have been used also in sacred music by notable composers like Joseph Hayden.

These few, but significantly profound theological words, are recorded in Scripture as follows:

1. "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." Luke 23:34
2. "This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise." Luke 23:433.
3. "Woman, behold thy son." John 19:26-74.
4. "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Mark 15:34 5.
5. "I thirst." John 19:286.
6. "It is finished." John 19:307.
7. "Into thine hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit." Luke 23:46

While some may feel that George Carlin offered humorous challenges to look within and question one’s beliefs, his words are not even worthy to be mentioned along side of what Jesus Christ did and said during His last hours on the cross.

The Savior’s agonizing cry to the Father of ‘forsaking Him’ was both crucial and biblically significant. It was the Son's reaction over the heavenly Father’s reaction to Jesus literally becoming sin for us. (2 Corinthians 5:21) This, in turn, caused a holy God to have to look away from His beloved Son. None will ever know the depths of the emptiness and despair Christ suffered in those horrendous hours. His pain infinitely exceeded even the excruciating physical effects associated with crucifixion.

But Christ’s stunning loneliness and unimaginable suffering ultimately led to the most significant words ever spoken – even among the 7 amazing phrases considered here. Just before breathing His last, He cried out, “It is finished.” Simply stated, His task was complete. He had fully paid the eternal fine for sin – at the terrible price demanded by God. Nothing more needed to be done to fulfill the plan of salvation designed in eternity past! All that remained was His glorious resurrection - the most stunning proof that He was exactly who He claimed to be - the eternal God wrapped in human flesh. (John 1:14)

George Carlin died from a heart condition. And his infamous ‘seven words’, or the fame and fortune they brought, were of no value when he stepped into the presence of His Creator. But those who understand the words of Christ from the cross, and act upon them in faith, have their spiritual hearts repaired and renewed as Romans 10:8-10 records. “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Only 7 simple words directed at Christ, but offered in sincere and trusting faith, will suffice for salvation. ‘Lord, I’m a sinner. Please save me’.

Bill Breckenridge

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